The Sorrow Of War (Friday 85-105)

1. " The sorrow of war inside a soldier's heart was in a strange way similar to the sorrow of love. It was a kind of nostalgia, like the immense sadness of a world at dusk. It was a sadness, a missing, a pain which could send one soaring back into the past." (Pg 94)
  •   This quote characterize Phan. Phan is characterized as a man who will always suffer from a traumatic memory of war.
  •   This quote represents the theme trauma. Because Phan was not able to save the drowning and wounded man he is tormented by the memory.
2. " Now, even after many years, whenever I see a flood I feel a sharp pang in my heart and think of my cruel stupidity. No human being deserved the torture I left him to suffer." (Pg 94)
  • The quote is the man vs. man conflict. Because Phan was not able to save the man he will always wonder what he could have done different in order to save him.
  •  This quote relates to the theme survivor's guilt. Phan survived the bombing and the flood but, because he was not able to rescue the man he still has flashbacks of that terrible memory


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